Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thermoform Part Testing

Over the long weekend, we tried making a test thermoform piece with raised numbers on it. In the overall yoyo design, this piece sits behind the dial. The numbers have to be really small be seen within the holes of the dial (5/8" diameter), so we were concerned they might not form well and wanted to see if it was feasible before we committed to a design.

Here's a screenshot of the mold design that we printed:

We 3D printed the test mold on the Form2. Here's a video of the print (huge thank you to Dave D. for shooting it, and for dispensing the best advice for mold design and 3D printing!).

Here's a final photo of the test thermoformed piece.  

The numbers came really sharp! We're hoping to use 3D printed molds for the rest of the thermoforms during our actual production as well, to preserve the sharpness of the corners (as opposed to machining our molds). The next step is to figure out how we're applying ink to the raised numbers. 

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